Pastoral Care

Our Pastoral Care Team is led by Jane Russell.

We aim to encourage everyone to support each other in good times and in need, for example the sick, those in hospital, the bereaved, those with new babies.  This support may be practical, with prayer, through listening or whatever is required given the circumstances.  Most of our pastoral care takes place in the context of the relationships built up in small groups.  We also have a visiting team who are delighted to visit members of the church, and those in our community who would benefit.  

If you know of anyone who would benefit, please let the office know.

Practical Needs 

A team of volunteers help with things like shopping, collecting prescriptions, baking and soup - lots of acts of kindness and care

Prayer Meetings & Breakfast

Every Monday at 6.45pm the church open prayer group meets using Zoom. 

The monthly Saturday Prayer breakfast is a great chance for a great breakfast and prayer time. Contact the office  for details.