Staff & key leaders

We believe every member is a minister.

1 Corinthians 12:27  Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

Minister: Tony Stephen

Depending on God’s grace, my aim is to be a good dad, a good husband, and to serve the community of Banchory with my gifts and talents.  I have been called to the ministry of Word and Sacrament, as a servant and a teacher, and those are my priorities - to teach the scriptures, to lead worship, and to serve and guide our community to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this place.

Youth: Sharon wilkinson

Sharon's ministry is to support and lead the Edge and Rock youth ministry reaching out to all young people in Banchory with the aims of Making Contact, Making Friends and Making Disciples.

admin & treasurer: Jill smith

The Church office is a point of contact for the church and community and Jill’s ministry is to offer administrative support to the ministry team and the church.  She has the added responsibility of Treasurer.

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Pastoral Assistant: Christine Mechie

Christine's ministry includes using her gifts to offer support and conduct funerals as part of the ministry team

Worship team support: Kathy davy

We aim to include a blend of  music that reflects our inter-generational church family, and to encourage the gifts of a range of musicians and singers each week, alongside our choir.  

session clerk: Craig watt

The congregation has a team of elders called the Kirk Session who are set apart to be spiritual overseers of the community.  That team of elders is supported by the ministry of the Session Clerk Craig Watt.

kids: kirsi gibson

Kirsi coordinates our amazing team of volunteers who lead our Junior Church on Sunday mornings with activities from Pre-school to Secondary age.  Junior Church allows our young people to hear the stories of the bible and respond to them. We hope that Junior Church would be seen as a responsibility and a passion for the whole church family. We hope to have a large team of enthusiastic leaders and a large team of volunteers who love and are committed to serving in children's work.

pastoral care: jane russell

Jane coordinates the Pastoral Care Team. Much of our pastoral care takes place in small groups and we want to encourage more people to be part of a small group.  We also have a team of visitors, and from time to time we provide meals for new parents, or those recently out of hospital, or arrange transport to church, or to appointments. Monthly fellowship services where people sit at tables and a time of traditional worship is followed by refreshments have grown in popularity. We aim to help each of us to love our neighbours.

outreach: sally cooper

The aim of the Outreach Team is to encourage us to reach out locally and globally being an outward looking Church. We support in prayer and financially the work of International Justice Mission and other overseas partners; we support Christian Aid and Fairtrade. We also respond to issues of climate change and biodiversity loss. We also offer Alpha courses throughout the year. Following the crisis in Ukraine a support group for host families and Ukrainian refugees has begun in partnership with fellow churches.

Worship Leaders:

Stuart Fyvie

Greg Lister

Kathy Davy

Mark Wilkinson

Key Leaders:

Beadles: Malcolm

Safeguarding: Rosemary

Property: David

Finance: Ian

Alpha: Craig

Communion: Nessie

Communion: Catriona

Ukraine Support: Ruth

Members: Caroline

Hospitality: Margaret

Hospitality: Mary

Connect Groups: Robin


Stuart Fyvie

Emelie Fyvie

Tom Spencer

Christine Mechie

Ian Mechie

Denise Scott

Lisa Roger

Kirsi Gibson

Sally Cooper

Malcolm Taberner

Mike Scott

Mary Marshall

Robin Brodie

Bryonie Brodie

Craig Watt

Rachel Read