Junior Church

We love having children around our church. 

Our Junior Church team is led by our Children's Ministry Coordinator Kirsi Gibson and a wonderful team of volunteers.

"My role is to encourage us to be an intergenerational church family – where all generations work together in the responsibility of helping our children and families grow as disciples of Jesus.  My primary roles will be in supporting the work of the Junior Church team, and supporting parents and carers.  In the Bible God asks his people to remember God’s wonderful way of life, live it out daily and share this way of life with all our children. All children and families should have an opportunity to receive the full blessing of being part of the church family."

 Every Sunday morning children hear a bible story during the first part of worship
and then we offer Junior Church in various rooms: 

Pre-school “Pebbles” in The Hub

Primary Age in Centenary Hall

We have a wonderful team of leaders, helpers, and "Aunties" and "Uncles" who support Junior Church.  

We are always looking for more!  

Our aim is that children hear the stories of the bible, feel God's love, and are able to respond in their own way.  

For more info on how to join in email our Children's Ministry Coordinator Kirsi on kirsi@banchorywestchurch.com.

See our Youth page for more information on Sunday activities for our young people.