
Sunday Worship

We gather weekly at 10.30am for Sunday worship. We offer Junior Church and Time Out for Babies to S6. We celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of the month.

All welcome every week. Come as you are. 

Every Sunday morning children hear a bible story during the first part of worship
and then we offer Junior Church in three rooms: 

Pre-school “Pebbles” in The Hub

P1-4 in Centenary Hall

P5-7 in the Barnabas Room

Our aim is that children hear the stories of the bible, feel God's love, and are able to respond in their own way.  

Parents please collect your child directly after the service (we aim for 11.45am).

Time Out - S1-6 

Time Out meets in the Murray Room during the second part of Sunday morning worship.  Interactive and a relaxed setting. Bacon Rolls and conversation. See our Youth Programme page for more information on "Rock" & "Edge".

Worship & Waffles

Every few months we gather together on a Sunday evening and really press into God through worship and prayer. We love this time together as a church where we get to sing together and share fellowship with each other afterwards while we eat delicious food. 

All are welcome.